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McCain Ad Attempts To Associate Barack Obama With Britney Spears Paris Hilton

McCain Ad Attempts To Associate Barack Obama With Britney Spears Paris Hilton

Is John McCain's attempt to tie Barack Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton in an attack ad this week the "Swift Boating" of Obama? The ad ... "McCain is narrative-building," said Allan Louden, an associate professor of.... ... negative advertisements, this time mocking Barack Obama as a self-important celebrity along the likes of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.. While Obama tries to depict McCain as offering a mere continuation of Bush's unpopular policies, McCain wants the presidential campaign to.... John McCain Ad Compares Barack Obama To Britney Spears, Paris Hilton. Ad's message is that Obama is 'frivolous and irresponsible' like the.... A new McCain campaign ad puts Barack Obama in the company of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. ... Britney Spears, Paris Hilton ... a theme that the Republican candidate has been trying to underscore on the campaign trail. ... To link Barack Obama, the first black head of the Harvard Law Review,.... The McCain campaign's most recent attempt was a television ad comparing Barack Obama to two people who are famous for being famous: Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. ... And the McCain video's getting a lot of link love.. Paris Hilton's mother doesn't share John McCain's sense of humor. ... ad mocking Democrat Barack Obama with images of Hilton and singer Britney Spears was part of an attempt to inject humor into the presidential race. ... The Obama campaign has said the ad is proof that McCain would rather launch.... A new McCain campaign ad alternates images of Obama and female celebrities. ... nominee and epic celebrity disasters Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, ... the McCain campaign into novel territory, and seeks to turn Obama's ... a link to it, then why are still embarrassing yourself with this kind of racist lie?. ... Britney Spears and Paris Hilton in a new ad. The ad, released Wednesday, depicts a quick montage of Spears, Hilton and Obama. A narrator.... ... Election Day, the McCain campaign launched a negative ad that mocks Barack Obama's popularity .... Senator John McCain said here Thursday that he was proud of his ... Senator Barack Obama to celebrities like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. ... I'm proud of the issues that we have, trying to address with the American ... It's a transparent attempt to associate Mr. Obama not with just celebrities, but with the.... Yesterday, the McCain campaign released an ad, Celeb, which ... to link Obama's supposed status as the Paris of Presidential Politics ... And here's the question: What do Britney Spears and Paris Hilton have to do with Barack Obama? ... John McCain sharpened his attack against Barack Obama, trying to.... McCain camp compares Obama to Spears, Hilton ... John McCain's presidential campaign on Wednesday released a withering television ad comparing Barack Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, ... Obama also said the link to Hilton shows Republicans are leaving no stone unturned in their attempts.... First there was John McCain's ridiculous ad comparing Barack Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears. Now, a really crack campaign staff.... Story Highlights; New ad from John McCain calls Barack Obama "biggest celebrity in the world"; Ad shows images of Britney Spears, Paris.... Is there a way that Barack Obama and John McCain could reboot the ... Senator McCain's latest "inexperience" TV ad about his opponent opened with fleeting images of celeb babes Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, ... The celebrity link was a leap that fell flat. ... They're going to try to make you afraid of me.. Ridiculous! The story: Few people would associate Barack Obama with Britney Spears or Paris Hilton ... to the latest campaign advertisement from John McCain that link has now ... It looks like the McCain campaign is grasping at anything to try to.... Paris/Britney Campaign Blowback ... same category as our local heroes Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, who provide ... to consider if you've been laid off and are trying to spend less on gas. ... All of which brings us back to McCain's Britney/Barack Obama ad and its similarity to Bush I's Willie Horton smear.. New McCain ad portrays Obama as celeb not leader - : New McCain ad ... John McCain is up with a new ad featuring images of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears ... and undeniable appeal Obama has won, so their new tack is to not try to ... This supposed "factual" link never says it, but does what all Repub...


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